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UK NARIC CEO takes part in the 2nd plenary of ETINED, Strasbourg, 15-16 February

UK NARIC CEO, Dr Cloud Bai-Yun, is taking part in the second plenary meeting of the Council of Europe platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED), Strasbourg, 15-16 February 2018.

Draft recommendations for codes of ethics for the teaching profession will be considered, and the results of a study on innovative practice in implementing codes of ethics in higher education will be presented.

Dr Bai-Yun has been active in the ETINED working group on education fraud, and an update on the work of the group will be presented.

Also being considered are projects on policies for academic integrity and strengthening the combatting of corruption.

ETINED aims to address corruption in education through genuinely European dialogue and intergovernmental cooperation. It pools best European practice on ethics, transparency, and integrity in education, disseminates this, and produces guidelines.

UK NARIC is making a significant contribution to counter-fraud efforts globally, and to safeguarding the integrity of international education.

15/02/2018 09:59:00