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The Launch of the new Europass Interoperability Portal

A portal which gathers technical information regarding Europass interoperability has been developed by Cedefop. It is aimed mainly at software developers and interoperability partners.

Interoperability has the potential to greatly simplify the job application process for users, enabling applicants to reuse their personal data on multiple platforms- i.e. import data directly from their Europass CV onto other platforms, or the other way around.

Organisations can also benefit from interoperability with Europass and further enhance their visibility to the growing Europass user base, since approximately 25,000 Europass CVs are generated daily and over 50,000 individuals visit Europass websites every day. Any organisation which maintains a CV database or manages personal data can benefit from this opportunity in one of three identified ways:

  1. Upload data from a Europass CV (saved in PDF or XML format) into an external system
  2. Allow users to export data from an external system in the Europass CV format
  3. Upload data from an external system into the Europass Online Editor to be further edited and downloaded

For more information visit the Interoperability Portal.

07/08/2013 10:38:00