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UK NARIC in Greece to discuss TNE developments

On 10 May, UK NARIC CEO Dr Cloud Bai-Yun took part in a British Council-organised forum in Athens on developments in Transnational Education (TNE) and the future of UK higher education in Greece after Brexit.

UK NARIC has supported UK TNE efforts with data-led reports highlighting comparability and recognition issues, events and conference content discussing the challenges, consultancy activity, and its involvement in the negotiation and drafting of country-to-country mutual recognition agreements.

UK NARIC has also supported certain long-established UK-Greece TNE degree awards for many years with specific certificates confirming the comparability of the awards.

The forum was presented in partnership with Universities UK International and the British Embassy Greece.

Attendees included senior representatives of UK and Greek universities, British Council, UUKi, policy bodies, industry bodies, the Greek Ministry of Education and a Member of the Hellenic Parliament.

11/05/2018 09:45:00